Minggu, 22 Maret 2020

45 Soal Latihan UN/UNBK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Beserta JawabanPart-3

45 Soal Latihan UN/UNBK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Beserta Jawaban Part-3 merupakan lanjutan latihan soal ujian nasional B. Inggris SMA bagian ke-2 (soal nomor 10-20), dan bagian ketiga dimulai pertanyaan nomor 21, seperti berikut ini:

The following text is for questions no. 21-26.

The statue of Liberty is one of the first sights to welcome immigrants arriving in the United States, national monument proclaimed in 1924. Located in New York City, the monument consist of two small island, Liberty Island and Ellis Island that lie in Upper New York Bay. The statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island; Ellis Island was once the location where most immigrants entered the United States.

The statue of Liberty is a monumental sculpture that symbolizes freedom throughout the world. Its real name Liberty Enlightening the World. The statue depicts a woman escaping the chains of tyranny, which lie at her feet. Her right hand holds a loft of burning torch that present liberty. Her left hand hold a tablet inscribed with the date “July 4, 1776” (in Roman numerals), the day the United States declared its independence. She is wearing flowing robes and the seven rays of her spiked crown symbolized the seven seas and continents.

The statues of Liberty is 46 m (151 feet) high. Its base and pedestal increase the height of the monument to 93 m (305 feet). The surface of the statue is composed of hammered copper sheets 2.4 mm (0.01 in) thick that are riveted to an iron framework. The iron frame was devised by French engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel, who also built the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The statue rest upon a concrete and granite pedestal designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt. A star-shaped wall surrounds the 47 m (154 feet) pedestal. This wall was part of Fort Wood, which was built in the early 19th century to defend New York during the war of 1812 (1812-1815).

21. What kind of text is the text above?
a. a narrative text
b. a descriptive text
c. an anecdote text
d. an analytical exposition
e. a recount text
Jawaban: b

22. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
a. The United States proclaimed its independence 1924.
b. The statue of Liberty is in the Ellis Island.
c. Most immigrants entered the United States from Liberty Island.
d. The statue of Liberty is situated in the Liberty Island.
e. The location where most immigrants entered the United States is the New York City.
Jawaban: d

23. What is the real name of the monument?
a. Liberty Enlightening the World.
b. the statue of Liberty.
c. A woman escaping the chain off.
d. a monumental
e. Freedom throughout the world.
Jawaban: a

24. What happened on July 4, 1776?
a. The monument was declared.
b. The statue of Liberty was first built.
c. The United States got its independence.
d. The Roman got its independence.
e. The first World War was stopped.
Jawaban: c

25. The purpose of the text is….
a. to share unusual event
b. to tell about past events
c. to describe the statue of liberty
d. to inform about the statue of liberty.
e. to evaluate the building of the statue of liberty.
Jawaban: c

26. The statue depicts a woman escaping the chains of tyranny which lie at her feet.
What is the synonym of depicts?
a. represents
b. devotes
c. celebrate
d. illustrates
e. lies
Jawaban: a

The following text is for questions no. 27-30.

My Neighbor’s Home Industry

Not far from the place where I live, there is a company. It is PT. Mulia Jati and his name is quite will-known in my hometown and the neighboring cities. It produces indoor and outdoor furniture, mostly made of wood.

That this industry is big enough is a fact. The proof is that this industry employs more than a hundred workers and the production keeps on increasing year by year. Furthermore, recently this industry has exported its products overseas.

This industry occupies a large area. Moreover, it is located in a strategic place precisely near the main road, so that it is not difficult to sell their products and the buyers will easily reach that place.

At the front of this place, there is a large showroom. In this room, the owner displays the products. Since it is near the main road, people can see them. There are various kinds of furniture, from small ones to the big ones. The design of the furniture is up to date. The fact that the competition among the furniture producers is very tight makes the company keep developing the new and modern designs.

27. What a part of the text is the second paragraph? It is….
a. a description
b. an identification
c. an orientation
d. a coda
e. a complication
Jawaban: a

28. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
a. Agricultural appliance can be produced by PT. Mulia Jati.
b. PT. Mulia Jati doesn’t produced cupboard.
c. PT. Mulia Jati is located near the house of the writer.
d. Things made of iron can be produced by PT. Mulia Jati.
e. PT. Mulia Jati isn’t so popular in the writer’s hometown.
Jawaban: c

29. Why is it easy for PT. Mulia Jati to sell the products?
a. Because this industry is big enough.
b. Because it is located in strategic area, precisely near the main road.
c. Because it occupies a large area.
d. Because it has exported its products overseas.
e. Because it has a showroom.
Jawaban: b

30. How do you know that the products are sold to foreign countries?
a. Because it occupies a large area.
b. Because it is located in a strategic place.
c. Because it has exported its products overseas.
d. Because it employs more than a hundred workers.
e. Because it is not difficult to sell the products.
Jawaban: c

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